Friday, 28 April 2017

IIT Hyderabad M.Tech Electrical Engineering cutoff 2016 and written syllabus

Electrical department of IIT Hyderabad offers M.Tech in 5 streams. They are, 
  1. Communication and Signal Processing (CSP): 
  2. Microelectronics and VLSI (Micro):
  3. Machine learning (ML): New initiative
  4. Power Electronics and Power Systems:
  5. Systems and Controls (Syscon):
 Cut off Scores are:

CSP: GATE-EC : 750 (GEN) ; 714(OBC); 529(SC); 416(ST)
Micro: GATE-EC&EE: 755 (GEN) ; 732(OBC); 530(SC); 434(ST)
PEPS: GATE-EE:  768 (GEN) ; 745(OBC);              ;
Syscon: GATE-EE&IN: 757(GEN); 727(OBC);               ;
ML: GATE EC and CS:   New initiative, so past information

Written test syllabus:

1. CSP: Signals and systems, DSP, Analog and Digital Communication, Probability and random process and Linear algebra.
2.Micro: EDC, Network theory, Analog and Digital Electronics.
3. PEPS: Network theory, Electrical machines, power systems, Power electronics, control systems, signals and systems and linear algebra.
4. Syscon: Network theory, Electrical machines, power systems, Power electronics, control systems, signals and systems and linear algebra.
5. Yet to update.

Previous year questions  of CSP:
In general written test dominates questions from DSP,Communications and Probability and random process. Since Question papers are not allowed to carry outside the examination hall, I am give areas where they touch.

1. One question from function of random variables.
2. Eigen values and eigen vectors based problems
3. One question on properties of DTFT.
4. One question, for a given difference equation of a system comment on stability and causality (Z-domain).
5. One question, for a given differential equation of a system comment on stability and causality (S-domain).
6. Caliculation of probabulity of error
7. Inter symbol interference and its mitigation technique. etc

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