Friday, 7 April 2017

NRSC research scientist interview questions:

Dear all, I know the people and the work that they carried in NRSC Hyderabad.
I would like to share the kind of things that expect from a Electronics and Communication Engineer.

To the point, NRSC scientist mostly work on Satellite image processing applications. As per their previous notifications, they are clear in the notification itself on things what they are looking.

They expect mainly following things,

1. Fundamentals on Image processing.
2. Open source libreries like OpenCV and Python programming.
3. Strong signal processing concepts and Linear algebra.

Sample questions like:

Image processing:

1. Do you know OpenCV/ Matlab programming for image processing applications?

2. How do you apply Low pass and High pass filter to a image and what are your observations?

3. Comment on the importance of the phase and magnitude of image in frequency domain.

4. Can you suggest few image enhancement techniques?

5. Do you have idea of deep learning? if yes, can you tell about it?

6. What are the morphological operators of image processing and how they effect?

Signal Processing:

1. What is the frequency resolution?

2. What is sampling frequency for band pass singnals?

3. Difference among upsapling, downsampling, interpolater and decimater.

4. concept of Winer filter.

Engineering Mathematics:

1. Linear algebra concepts like matrix differentiation, diagonalization.

Sorry for not providing answers, if you want I will take up a post on answering these questions and pointing to decent material for this. 

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