Saturday, 22 July 2017

All Course M.Tech Program (1 Year) in IIT Hyderabad

IIT Hyderabad is offering one year non subsidized cost sharing M.Tech program. Application for current academic year are called for more details please click following link.

Important dates: 
Last date to apply online is 22nd July 2017.
Announcement of shortlisted candidates 24th July 2017.
Written and Interviews will be on 27th July 2017.
Course starts form 31st July 2017.

List of departments that are offering this course:
1. Electrical Engineering
2. Civil Engineering
3. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

Program outlines:

1. IIT Hyderabad will offer ' All Course M.Tech.' Program from academic session 2017-2018 in various departments and specializations.

2. The program is open for candidates with recognized B.Tech./B.E degree in appropriate branch/s with minimum first class. The candidates will be selected through initial shortlisting followed by written test and/or interview. GATE qualification will be an added advantage but not mandatory. However no candidate including GATE qualified students will be entitled for any fellowship. Shortlisting criteria could be higher than the minimum qualification criteria.

3. On successful completion of the program, the student will receive M.Tech. Degree on par with the regular M.Tech. degree. The student will be eligible to apply for a PhD program at institutes in India or abroad. In addition, she/he will be eligible to appear for placement through IIT Hyderabad after completion of the program (i.e. a student registered for program in August 2017 will be able to appear for IITH placements in December 2018 provided she/he completes the credit requirements by that time).

4. The student will have to earn total 36 - 39 credits as prescribed by the department. Compared to regular M.Tech. program, course based M.Tech. students will do credits through theory / Lab. courses in lieu of 2nd year thesis credits.

5. The course based M.Tech. is a non-subsidized cost sharing program wherein student will pay tuition fees on per credit basis. The fee may be revised annually. For session 2017-2018 the fees is 25,000/- per credit + Administrative fees of 1,00,000/- per year.   If the student would like to access the facilities other than medical (such as dispensary, consultation with the institute doctor or ambulance service in case of emergency etc.) and academic (e.g. library, internet, labs as part of course requirement), they should pay additional fee apart from the credit based tuition fee.

6. The courses will be conducted along with regular M.Tech. courses and in summer and / or winter break as well. The grading policy of the course based M.Tech. program will be on par with regular M.Tech. program (2 and 3 year M. Tech. programs).

7. The students will not conduct research, thereby need not to write thesis. However, the students may carry out a mini project as a part of the course with the guidance of the course instructor. This is let to respective department and course instructor.

8. If a student gets an FR in a course and has to repeat it for completing the minimum compulsory credit requirement, he/she will have to re-register for the course and pay the fee again based on the number of credits.

9. Transfer from All Course M.Tech. to regular M.Tech. program or vice-versa will not be allowed.

10. The program is non-residential type (i.e., the students will not be eligible for hostel accommodation). However, they may be provided accommodation on chargeable basis provided that extra rooms are available. In any case hostel accommodation will not be provided for more than one-year duration.

11. The student from course based M.Tech. program will not be eligible for institute medals based on CGPA given during the convocation program for regular students.

12. The student may register for extra credits by paying a credit based fee, after approval of faculty advisor and the course instructor.

13. The maximum time for completion of the course is 2 (two) years in case the student had to take break for any medical reason.

14. IIT Hyderabad reserves the right to change the policy and the fee structure without any prior notice.

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