Sunday, 7 January 2018

Few important and must read topics for electrical engineering TSTRANSCO and TSGENCO.

Dear TSTRANSCO and TSGENCO Assistant engineer job aspirants,

Here I am adding few important and must read topics for electrical engineering.

Electrical Engineering: 

1. RH criterion
2. Steady state error
3. Gain margin and phase margin
4. State space analysis (controllability, observability and T/F)
5. Root locus and Nyquist plots
6. Boolean algebra
7. Logic gate families
8. Number system
9. Basics of counter and registers
10. K-map
11. ADC and DAC
12. Network theorems (Th, NTh, Max power)
13. Power calculation in a network element
14. Two-port network( conditions for symmetry and reciprocity)
15. Identification of network functions( RL impedance/ admittance ,RC impedance/ admittance)
16. RC, RL filters (with unit step input)
17. Diodes and their applications
18. Transistor/JFET (dc and ac analysis)
19. Basics of BJT, JFET and their output current equations
20. Op-amp (inverting, non inverting and differential mode of operation)
21. CMRR
22. PMMC, MI meters
23. LVDT, strain gauge
24. Lasers, bridges (different types and their importance)
25. Thyristor and related problems
26. SCR and related problems
27. Choppers and related problems
28. Finding load factor
29. Efficiency of various power stations
30. Finding ABCD constants of the transmission lines .. etc.

 Engineering Mathematics:
1. Numerical Methods (Newtons raphson's method, RK method, and Secant method).
2. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
3. The solution of the system of linear equations (Many solutions, one solution etc).
4. Basic calculus like limits, integrations, and differentiation.
5. Complex integration and finding residues of given complex function.
6. Order and degree of the differential equation and their solutions.
7. Vector Calculus: Gradient, Div, Curl, Gauss theorem, stokes, and greens theorem.
8. Finding Multiple Integrals.
9. Finding the area under curves.
10. Application of Tyler and power series.


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